Thursday, March 3, 2022

Busy month

 It looks to be a busy March this time around. Beside the fact that my Mother turns 80 this month, I wanted to give her something unusual. So I ordered a new Delta kitchen faucet with sprayer. I will replace it myself, because I'm handy like that. I wanted to replace the entire kitchen sink but she talked me out of replacing the sink itself. I will replace both the strainer baskets while I'm at it though. I will also grill up some of my world famous Ribeyes and baked taters for her B'day lunch.

I also have a dental appointment to have Wisdom teeth pulled along with the one that has been broken in half for 2 years. So I get to nurse maid that for a while, but it does give me an excuse to basically not eat for a few days, so maybe I can get a bit of Ketosis going.

I also ordered a Home Gym, so that will have to be carried in and put together. I will be able to work out more often without the 50 mile round trip every time. Plus it will save me about $1500+ a year in gas, let alone the wear and tear 600 miles a month puts on my truck. As many experts have written, the belly fat is the hardest to lose. I have about 4 or 5 pounds there I can't get rid of. I have rock hard abs, but the belly is insulating it. There's a 6 pack under the fluffy exterior 😁 I can enhance my workout routines so that I trim my body mass index down to less than 5%, and now that I have good muscle tone, I can start working on definition.

I am also ramping up my Tokyo vacation preparations. I made a list of things I need to take, take care of, and consider so I have what I need for a month. I also have a list of things I will need to buy when I get there, along with shopping. I'm also trying to time my visit with some live concerts, and visits to many gardens, shrines, and Guitar Shops. I'm also looking forward to seeing all the Cherry Blossoms.

I am also looking to do a collaboration with an accomplished guitarist, so I spent some time exporting WAV stems to send over when his schedule permits. I created all of the backing music and gave him free reign over guitars and vocals/lyrics.

Sometime this month I will also be re dying my hair. Currently it is/was a beautiful Sapphire Blue. It has faded and I am looking to re color it to a Midnight Purple before my Tokyo trip. Presently my hair is down to my waistline and it looks cool with the color. I will also keep the gray streaks for character.

I'm hoping my wrist is also in better shape this month so I can practice Violin. The fracture has begun acting up, and it is in the bone/muscle group that one uses for vibrato, so I'm hoping it mends a little more.

My Fukinari Unity3D project

  It has been a while since I posted a blog covering the progress of my Unity projects. This is another island project using Asian assets fr...