Monday, March 22, 2021

Another productive day

 Hello, and firstly, thank you for taking time from your day to read about mine πŸ˜€

  A majority of my day was spent on guitar. Although I've already been playing for about a year, I'm having trouble with string articulation. Ever since the shoulder incident, it sometimes feels like a loose hinge. I insist on playing though, as I had been inspired to do so. I'm able to play pretty well on rhythm parts, but not so well on solos. I can play them slow, so I just need to work on speed and articulation. I decided to start back up by playing things I could 25 years ago, which is mainly Iron Maiden and some Dokken. But I have been able to play some of the Malmsteen songs I remembered. I have to get used to the mechanics all over again, but I'm patient and I have time to work on it.

 Usually during the day I design MMORPG game scenery. I did this one about a year ago. It's called Tenge Temple, and still one of my very favorites. Complete with a Royal Chambers in the platform.


All built one 1-sided panel at a time, and the interior is fully complete. I have hundreds of pics of my designs and will post them from time to time. I Love making Orient temples and castles. I have been fascinated by this architecture since I was a kid. I must have been Oriental in a past life :)
 And since there is a big deal about Digital Art, I would consider doing an NFT shop if there is interest.
 I didn't work on any music compositions today as I am also re-writing a book. It's now a 2 volume work (will be nearly 800 pages) as it covers topics like:
Cosmic and planetary cycles,
Ancient civilizations,
Out of Place Artifacts,
Ice ages,
Magnetic reversals,
The Great Floods,
Mysterious Monoliths,
Egyptology ,
Ancient Aliens theory,
a 4 billion year timeline complete with asteroid impact dates and locations, tectonic activity, supercontinental eras, volcanic events, Annunaki timelines, global cycles, planetary situations, and more,
Philosophy of sustainability, 
Prehistoric radiation,
and other stuff. 
 Perhaps I will find enough hours in the day to cover my interests, not to mention the things that are always on my mind πŸ˜‰ 😊
I often spend hours creating music in Cubase, and once in a Blue Moon I tinker with Blender3D making space ships and stuff. I also suspect I will have to renew the Cobalt Blue in my hair soon also. I'm still trying to find time to learn a new language, but as you can see, my day is pretty full.
I guess that is all for this blog. Again, thanks for taking time from your day to read about mine :D

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