Wednesday, March 31, 2021

It's been 6 days........

 Hello again, and thank you for taking time from your day.

 I haven't gotten very much done so far this week. But even a little bit of progress is still progress. Some days are baby steps, and others are long strides. It all equals out.

Since my last blog I've been having a bit more abdominal discomfort, and I know why. That's why it's worrisome. I have an appointment for it in a few days. I'm already planning for a stay in the hospital after the surgery. It would be nice to have someone special during this time. Not to wait on me or anything like that. But the smile, the touch, and the caring are a great comfort. My Mom will be there, but you understand that it's just not the same.

Anyway, I'm still expecting to go on my vacation. It's seems as though that may not happen until late Summer. The Olympics will more than likely become another superspreader event. Tens of thousands of foreigners will be there while a travel ban is in place. Doesn't make sense. I planned on being there and back WAY before the games kick off. But it is what it is. I want/need to go, but fate will just have to take a seat with me and wait. 😊

What else.... oh yeah...

My stocks are still taking a beating ironically. Tech and Industrials are flat these days, so I'm down about 20%, but I'm in it long term, so we'll see. I just started buying Crypto, and that is break-even too. I was hoping to have extra mad money for my trip, but I'll make due. I was hoping to buy Sanrio stock in Japan, but haven't been able to. My stimulus is not here yet, but that is already set aside for my trip, and some charity donations.

I also found a Mahjong game that ISN'T solitaire. Starting to get the hang of it, but I still need to learn the call-outs for discards. I'll get the hang of it :)

I haven't had much motivation for composing music. I've started a few projects but the focus isn't there. Things will be back to normal soon, so I'm not concerned. Sometimes I wonder WHY I do it, and it isn't long before I realize why I do. It's her. I find myself looking for her face in the crowd. Every lady I see with a wonderful figure, I think 'she has a figure like ****' or 'her hair color looks like ****'s, or 'she has pretty eyes, but ****'s are still prettier', or 'she's the same height as my crush'.  It's the reason I try not to think everything is a personal message. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, so I try not to overthink it.

Still practicing guitar. Some days are better than others, but I think I'm improving. And that is the purpose of it. I can't imagine myself jumping around on stage playing massive riffs in front of 60,000 fans though. There is a ton of great talent out there, and are much younger. It is their time now.

OK, that's enough for one blog. Short and sweet, just the way I like it 💙 😀

Have a good week, and a better weekend! 👋

4/13/21: That Mahjong game is defective. Every time I close it, the Executable file vanishes and I have to re-extract it from the original download. Plus it's Chinese, so I wouldn't understand the Japanese words anyway. I'm not good enough to play online with other living people, so I'm still looking for an offline Japanese version.

4/25/21: Still watching the markets eat my money. My portfolio, even though it isn't big, is still tanked down 40%. And I'm back to break-even on my Cryptos. I was hoping to have a generous little nest egg for my vacation. I already have the money for it, but an extra fat wad of Yen would have been nice 😁

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