Friday, March 19, 2021

Covid shots are done

Hello and welcome to another fine weekend! As the title refers, I had my 2nd Covid vaccine yesterday. I'm a tiny bit fatigued and my arm is still a little sore. This was something I hadn't originally intended on doing, but it was an item added to my checklist. As I mentioned before, I don't usually get vaccines since my immune system is quite strong. My travel plans are still awaiting the go ahead when travel bans are lifted. I also detest flying, and the idea of flying, but it also has a place in my original plans. I'm not afraid of heights or turbulence. I'm just not fond of flying right to the crash site. 😁

Vaccination and air travel are part of the package on this, so I'll do regardless of the risks.

In January of 2020 we returned from Christmas Vacation at the Greenbrier Resort. Absolutely amazing place, if I may add. It's a resort location for international travelers also. (The bunker tour is a rip off though. They consolidated most of into 1 room as a contractor leased most of the bunker.) At that time Covid was just taking a foothold on the world. Anyway, on our way back, I wasn't feeling so great, but I figured it was a cold or something as I was frequently outside without a coat. A couple days later I was feeling much worse.  After a few days I could feel my lungs starting to crackle. I was running a fever and was having dizzy spells along with headache and slight nausea. I couldn't really smell or taste anything and having some trouble breathing. I had the textbook symptoms of Covid. A couple days later when I awoke it felt like I had a huge weight on my chest, and my shallow breathing sounded like running water. I knew my lungs were filling up and restricting my oxygen intake. I set a Dr appointment as soon as possible. I had to wait another day. When I got there, I was wearing a mask, and kept my distance. The assistant came in and checked my temp, and listened to my lungs. She said nothing as to what it was. Back then they had little medical knowledge of Covid19. She gave me a prescription of Zpak and Prednisone. I was already taking large amounts of garlic, Vitamin C & D. After a few days I started feeling better and was over it 2 weeks or so after that. But even today, it feels like my lungs have a slightly smaller capacity.

But on another topic, I upgraded my cel phone, as my old one would not connect to the WiFi. Something about a missing EIN number. The new one connected right away, and I have started putting apps on it. I wanted a translation app or 2 as well as a messaging app. I also added my social media apps. I will be using my phone more often, even though there is no one to call it or text. Part of the perils of living in a tiny rural location is there is no phone towers nearby, and very few people. After being shut in for a year, I'm ready to get out and mingle.

So, my travel documents should all be in order now, and I'm already packed. It's a waiting game now. Although I have the patience of a Saint, I am chomping at the bit to arrive in Tokyo. They seem to be a bit slower at vaccinating the public, but they are a different culture, and think about things in a different manner. I respect their ideals and characteristics of their culture. I will do what I've been doing for over a year, until the travel ban is lifted.

So that's it. A quick and painless blog, and a quick read. Thank you for taking the time to read it, and have a great weekend! 😇😀

7/8/21: So, at this point, they are now talking about a possible 3rd Booster shot for this crazy virus. I don't want it, but in order to step on that plane, I'll have to get it. They can keep throwing up obstacles for my travel plans, but I intend to defeat every one of them. That's just how I am.

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