Welcome to another brand new blog! After so much time researching and working on my 2 volume set, it had not dawned on me to create a blog, so that others could get an idea of what material is in my book(s). I had posted about it a few times on social media, but I did not want to randomly post from my research without a conceivable direction to those posts.
The name of the book set is called Genesis X (Vol 1 & 2). The content at this point covers over 600 pages of photos, charts, timelines, and tons of information that bears light on a great many subjects. Instead of adding in all the information, I have pics of the contents, and it would be easier to share this way
Volume 1
Chapter 1 is a Preface like script setting the pace and concept of the series.
Chapter 2 is a look at a wide variety of Creation stories from around the
world. To understand where we are going, we need to understand where we
came from.
Chapter 3 is a research into how far back humanity can be traced by records
written millennia past. Texts, manuscripts, and physical evidence
suggest that we have been through a few Extinction Level Events, and we
now live in a continuation of civilizations. Records referring to
'Advanced' civilizations go back many hundreds of thousands of years.
Chapter 4 looks into still misunderstood technology of the ancient Kingdom such as the Dendera Bulb, Sphinx mysteries, Great Pyramid mysteries, and other things that don't quite fit the narrative.
Chapter 5 is a more in depth look into Ice Ages, Global Climate change, and the cycles that repeat through the ages.
Chapter 6 covers the topic of MesoAmerica and the cultures that achieved such precise engineering, architecture, language, astronomy, and more.
Chapter 7 cover a brief account of Mesopotamia and the Indus valley. It's a rather short chapter as Sumerian lore is referenced throughout the book series.
8 is a visit to many of the massive megalithic structures found around
the world. The insight is not merely the size of these megaliths, but
how would they move and place these massive objects.
Chapter 9 - Cycles within Cycles. Once you see the clock works of so many processes and events, you begin to see the patterns of timing and inevitability. Planetary cycles, climate cycles, geologic event cycles, event precursors, and so on.
Chapter 10 is a look at our Milky Way Galaxy as a whole - our place in it, how it affects our Solar System, and more
11 is a recount of the many 'Great Flood' events and stories from
around the planet. They all happened at different times at different
locations, so causative factors are also examined.
And below is the info for the second volume
Volume 2
Chapter 1 is a discussion and philosophical approach to what are termed OOPArt's, or Out Of Place Artifacts. These are discoveries of manmade artifacts that ironically date back many millions of years.
2 is a general approach to the stories and findings of human skeletons
that have been recorded as being up to 14' tall, and occasionally
taller. Stories of cultures that have encountered these very tall beings, and theories about their origin are examined.
Chapter 3 discusses the accounts of ancient radioactive cities, and the weapons
used to do it. Here we consider how ancient cities such as Mohenjo Daro
ended up having vitrified stone inside a radioactive area, where the inhabitants seemed to all die at the same time, without warning.
Chapter 4 examines some of the ancient technology that we overlooked in history, such as the Antikytherum Device - mechanical computers that are still accurate to this day. We also marvel at the extreme accuracy of the Mayan Calendar.
Chapter 5 is a theoretical discussion on how we think the continuation of what we do will produce different results. There are lessons from the past that we should have already been deeply involved in changing.
Chapter 6 looks at a great many cities that we have found in the depths of lakes and oceans. It does loosely tie in with the Great Flood topics, but these places were presumably built when the ocean levels were hundreds of feet lower than today. I also glimpse at an underwater empire over 1/2 mile deep off the coast of Cuba, which is the image on the cover of this volume.
Chapter 7 is a very lengthy and detailed account of many of the planetary events and insights to our history going back to the Big Bang. I have recorded geological events, volcanic events, meteor strikes, supercontinents, ancient human activity, flood events, historical events, OOPArt dating, and more.
Chapter 8 dives a bit deeper into the Ancient Alien Theory, that extraterrestrials have always been here, what they're doing and why. It also discusses the accuracy of some theories as well as a current state of our species.
Within these 2 volumes are also hundreds of pictures. I tried as much as I could to use media that is within the Commons regulations. I made every effort to try to use Public Domain imagery in order to avoid issues with copyright laws. Presently, there are only 2 copies of this in book form. I had them test printed so I could also reference them while I was away from my electronics. At this time, there are no publications available, as it is still a work in progress.
There are about 10 copies of the previous version of this work, called Genesis Mirror. It also, was/is not in distribution. With my current print status and publisher limitations, the maximum size of the book could not exceed 460 pages. While it did have copies produced, I had more information to add to the book, but was limited by volume size. I also had some corrections and such to edit also. So I decided to create a 2 volume set in order to contain the extra information. In most of the book, I make considerations and hypothetical suggestions, but much of the format is directed more towards an inquisitive nature. It is better to ask questions than it is to assume conclusions.
Below you can see 4 different captures of various chapters of the work in progress. I continue to update this project as I go along, but at some point I will need to establish a cutoff point. If I do not, it will continue to be a WIP without an official release. It will someday be published, and I can continue beyond the cutoff point with more information.
From time to time, I will add more sneak-peeks to this blog :)
I do have 2 other books published. One is a Survival Primer, and the other is a manual on Bunker building.
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